appeti white ghost


The Appeti Tennis Centre is proud to offer a state of the art ball machine.  Our Spinshot Plus 2 was generously donated by Pantheon Management Services.

The machine is capable of holding 120 balls at a time and can deliver topspin and slice to all areas of the court.

The machine can be controlled and programmed using an Android and iOS app!

Spinshot Plus 2 Ball Machine

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To access the ball machine simply:

1 • Download the Playtomic app below, this allows you to book both your court and the machine. If you already have the app click here!
2 • Once you are signed into the app and have an account in place, select the Appeti Tennis Centre / Academy / Book a private lesson / Ball Machine.  Full instructions on booking can be found in the video below!


Click for 'how to book video'

Before use please pay special attention to the following safety instructions:

Do not reach or look into the ball exit hole without turning the main power off, and only after both wheels come to a complete stop.

Do not stand closer than 10 meters in front of the ball machine when the power is on.

Do not place balls or foreign objects into the ball hopper while the feeder tray is moving.

It could cause jam and damage the feeder motor. Overloading of balls into the ball hopper may result in a jam of the feeder.

No more than 120 balls should be put inside the ball hopper.

Do not use your machine while it is raining. Do not use wet tennis balls.


View User Manual here

If you wish to use the machine with the smartphone enabled app download the Drill Maker app below.

If you are unsure of how it operates download the user manual from here!