appeti white ghost


Appeti Tennis are proud to have a number of local and national sponsors.  These sponsors provide funding and services to our players.  Please take the time to visit their websites and where possible use their services and products.

Some of our pupils pictured with Director Jon Spurling

Eb with Pantheon Director Bing Beghin

Spurling Cannon Chartered Certified Accountants are a Kent based accountancy firm.  Their fresh thinking and personal approach has enabled them to grow into the largest firm of accountants in Kent.

In 2021 Spurling Cannon provided a free Appeti Tennis hooded sweatshirt to every junior pupil at the centre, an endorsement worth over £3000.

Click here to read more.

Pantheon Management Services have generously provided a brand new ball machine for the tennis centre and even more exciting it is free to use for every junior player at the centre.

This is an amazing donation, so a huge thank you to Pantheon Management Services for this donation that is worth £1800.

Click here to read more.

Appeti Tennis have had a relationship with Volkl Tennis since 2003,  Appeti Tennis exclusively sell Volkl rackets through its Pro Shop and Volkl Tennis sponsor not only the Tennis Team but also some of our pupils.

Click here to see our a video on the arrival of the 2016/2017 rackets! or

Click here to read more

Some of our pupils with Paul Smith from Volkl UK

Volkl 2