appeti white ghost


So you live in the Canterbury area and you love to play tennis but you find it difficult to find people  to play or train with, don’t worry we can do the work for you!

At Appeti Tennis we have lots of players and we do everything we can to get them together.

In today's world it's more and more difficult to commit to regular times and groups so we offer "Meet Ups.

Find other players at the centre to play with!


What is a Meet Up?

Meet Ups are a designated day and time of the week where our courts are booked out for a specific group within our programme. To allow for accessibility these days and times will change each week.

Once you have been invited and then committed to a Meet Up, the rest is easy. Just turn up and enjoy. The time is yours and you can decide the content of the meet up with the other players.

Meet Ups include all equipment you may need or want, including balls, cones for target practice or even the ball machine.

Meet ups aren’t just about playing matches. They give the opportunity to just hit balls, drill or put into practice what you have learnt in a coaching session.

How can I join a Meet Up?

Meet Ups are managed by our head coach and give players the chance to "meet up" with other players of a similar level.

To be added to a Meet Up list your level must be determined by a member of our coaching team.

If you are not enrolled in our coaching programme then you will need to have a one off assessment lesson with one of our team so that your level can be accurately determined.

If you are already receiving coaching with us then the coach will recommend the right Meet Up for you!

How do Meet Ups work?

Each Meet Up is categorised by level; beginner, improver, intermediate or club.  More info on our levels can be found here. Meet Ups may also be designated by gender and/or age for juniors!

For each Meet Up a list of players is made. For 2 court Meet Ups the list is a maximum of 14 players and for a single court Meet Up the list is a maximum of 8 players.

Places are capped at 8 for a 2 court Meet Up and 4 for a single court Meet Up.

Each Meet Up is given a title, for example; Ladies Intermediates, Friday 7pm - 9pm, 2 courts.

Five days before each Meet Up a link will be sent allowing you to book a place, which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

In the event that you book a place and then can’t make it a refund will only be made if your place is filled or the Meet Up does not go ahead.

If you are interested in joining a Meet Up then please complete the form below to get started and you will be informed of the Meet Ups we are currently running!

Click here if you want to enrol for a meet up